Yard Waste / Garbage / Recycling
Yard Waste
Due to continued dumping by non-Village residents, the disposal of branches at the Freeville Village Barn is PROHIBITED INDEFINITELY.
Effective September 6, 2023, no one is allowed to leave branches or other yard waste at the Village Barn site on DPW drive. The cost to chip and dispose of these illegally left items is a burden that Village taxpayers should not have to bear. The Village Board of Trustees has taken this step only after efforts to discourage non-residents and businesses from disposing of such materials at the site proved to be unsuccessful.
The Village plans to continue to do a yearly roadside pickup of yard waste for residents, and may add set times when people with proof of residency may leave items when an attendant is present at the site.
Any illegal branch and yard-waste drop-off will be subject to fines.
All Village residents and non-residents are still welcome to take wood chips from the pile adjacent to the Village Barn, as long as they leave the area neat. There is no limit to the amount of chips that may be taken.
The Village of Freeville contracts with Casella Waste Systems for garbage pick-up for Village taxpayers. Please see the following website for information regarding garbage pick-up, including holidays and contact info: https://www.casella.com/locations/hauling/ithaca-ny-hauling/
Should you have any issues with pick-up, please contact Casella’s directly.
Village pick-up is scheduled for Thursdays, and should be at the curb by 6:00 a.m. All garbage must be bagged and have a tag attached. One tag is good for 20 pounds of garbage. The Casella tags are available by the sheet ($15 per sheet of 12) at the Village Hall MWF from 8:00 to 11:00. You can also request tags be sent to you by mailing us (or dropping in our drop box at our entrance) a self-addressed stamped envelope and a check made out to the Village of Freeville. Tags can also be purchased at several area locations, including Clarks and Kinney Drugs in Dryden, Wegmans and Tops in Ithaca.
If you do not live within the Village limits, you can consult with Tompkins County regarding available trash pick-up in your area: https://recycletompkins.org/trash/licensed-haulers/
Tompkins County Recycling contracts with Casella for recycling pick-up for Village residents. Please see the following website for information regarding recycling pick-up, including what is accepted and the recycling schedule for our municipality: https://recycletompkins.org/recycling-and-composting/curbside-recycling/
Village pick-up is every other Friday, and containers should be at the curb by 6:00 a.m.
If you would like a printed copy of the Curbside Recycling Guidelines for Tompkins County or a sticker for your recycling container, please visit the Village Clerk’s Office.
Electronic Equipment
It is illegal to dispose of electronic equipment in your garbage. Tompkins County residents can recycle electronics free of charge at the Recycling and Solid Waste Center, 160 Commercial Ave., Ithaca. For dates and hours of drop off of hazardous materials and electronics, go to www.recycletompkins.org. (Finger Lakes ReUse 2255 North Triphammer Road, accepts electronics that still work, then refurbishes them for sale.)