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Friends of Tompkins County Public Library Book Sale


Ithaca, NY – The Friends of Tompkins County Public Library will hold the annual Spring Book Sale over three long weekends in May at 509 Esty St, Ithaca. With a throwback to pre-pandemic times, the sale will once again be open 8am to 8pm on the first day only: Saturday, May 3rd.  On all other days, sale hours are 10am to 8pm: Sunday-Monday, May 4-5; Saturday-Monday, May 10-12; and Saturday-Tuesday, May 17-20.  Prices start low and drop each weekend. Free parking is available across the street.  More details are available online at or call 607-272-2223.

Each Book Sale offers up to 250,000 gently used books, DVDs, CDs, comics and graphic novels, puzzles, games, and other items, organized into 70+ subject categories for easy shopping. The large Children’s Section, organized by subject as well, includes more than 30,000 items. Collector’s Corner offers rare and antiquarian books, first editions, collectible vinyl records, art, ephemera, and vintage toys and games. 

This sale will also feature a special selection of new and like-new books and other items, for adults and children, that will make great gifts for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions.  

First Day Purchase Limit:  In order to serve as many book lovers as possible, on the first Saturday, May 3, each shopper may purchase a maximum of 50 items at a time. After checking out, customers must leave the building, but may rejoin the line to come in and shop again as many times as they wish. There are no purchase limits on other sale dates.

Special shopping days: 

  • Wednesday, May 14, 10am-4pm: Older Adults & persons with disabilities
  • Wednesday, May 14, 4-8pm: Students(age 16+ with valid school ID)
  • Monday, May 19, 10am-8pm: Dime Day (every item on the main floor is just 10 cents!)
  • Tuesday, May 20, 10am-8pm: Bag Day (BYO standard reusable bag and fill it for just $1!)

Proceeds from the Book Sales held each spring and fall are used to fund the Friends of the Library’s annual grants that support Tompkins County Public Library, Finger Lakes Library System, and other libraries in the Finger Lakes region, as well as local non-profit organizations for literacy and reading projects, and scholarships for library science students.